and conquer: When practicing jiu jiu jitsu, ACTIVELY SEEK TO DIVIDE YOUR 'S BODY AND USE YOUR BODY TO CONTROL AND SEGMENTS OF HIS BODY. This is of the most fundamental directives of the sport. One of the very best ways to begin investigating this principle is from bottom half guard. A central feature of most variations of half guard is that THEY EFFECTIVELY DIVIDE THE BODY IN HALF AND SEEK TO USE YOUR WHOLE BODY TO CONTROL AND FIGHT HALF OF YOUR OPPONENT'S BODY. Here, I am working aspects of half guard control and positioning with my good friend, Tom DeBlass. You can clearly see that the very nature of the position creates a situation where half of his body is engaged by all of mine. Making this way of thinking central to your game is a key to your future progress – ALL GOOD JIU JITSU IS BASED UPON IT. If you don't know where to start – BEGIN WITH BOTTOM HALF GUARD, as it is a very clear expression of the principle and has tremendous applicability to everyday and sparring. Use it to learn the critical notion of selecting a part of your opponent's body and through grip, movement and connection – owning it.