I am very happy to announce the release today of my 100% FREE video SELF MASTERY: BJJ SOLO DRILLS. It is designed to help everyone get through any where you are denied regular training – in particular the corona crises. Just as a good boxer develops movement skills for his craft with shadow boxing – so too a grappler can do the same with shadow grappling. The problem most people have with solo drills is that they perform them as a simple warm up before class with zero mental engagement. Done in this way they have little value because the student never gets to associate the movement with an actual combat skill. Only when you know THE WHY AND THE PURPOSE of the movement and actively IMAGINE/VISUALIZE a competitive sparring situation as you perform the movement in a spontaneous/realistic fashion (not a mechanical and thoughtless warm up) do they make a difference to your sport performance. Of course nothing will ever replace the primacy of partner drills and sparring as the major source of in the sport, but I do firmly believe in the value of a combination of movement drills/shadow grappling, a good physical training program to enhance strength, flexibility and endurance (I leave that to the athlete to choose their program as preference varies a lot and there is no evidence showing any one method to be demonstrably better than the others for grappling purposes) and knowledge acquisition through video analysis/learning either by watching great athletes (if you have the necessary observational skill) or . If you can make positive strides in those three directions you will most certainly not deteriorate in skill and you will set yourself up for very rapid improvement when you return. This free video is designed to help you with the first of those three training directions. If you are interested, check it out at @bjj.fanatics Wishing you all the best progress possible through this away from training – stay healthy and stay sharp!

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