Developing a favorite : Jiu jitsu is not just a science of levers and fulcrums and centers of ; it is a deeply personal art of self expression. In a world of millions of competing choices, you get to choose which moves will become yours and express yourself through them. It is crucial that you learn Jiu jitsu this way. The Japanese in their wisdom recognize the importance of this and term favorite moves “TOKUI-WAZA.” You must YOUR tokui-waza. From these favorite moves will come most of your successes. Whenever you're in trouble they will be your shield. Whenever you struggle to get the breakthrough, they will be your hammer. Here, Georges St Pierre, an athlete whose most famous tokui-waza in MMA was his takedown, works his favorite grappling move – Kimura from bottom half guard. As opponents learn that you have a , they will learn to it – forcing you to evolve and your and performance of the move and to learn new, complimentary moves to supplement it – and thus your overall skill increases like branches growing from the central trunk of a tree. This is one of the best ways to grow quickly in Jiu jitsu – and it all starts with developing some favorites – what will be yours?